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Steven C. Levi is a sixty-something freelance historian and commercial writer who lives in Anchorage, Alaska, his home for past 40 years. He has a BA in European History and MA in American history from the University of California Davis and San Jose State. He has more than 80 books in print or on Kindle.
Levi specializes in history and creative thinking. His historical specialty is the Alaska Gold rush. He has the only composite book on the Alaska Gold Rush, BOOM AND BUST IN THE ALASKA GOLD FIELDS, and his play “Fanny Quigley’s Place” has been a dinner theater presentation in Denali Park since 1995. His other Alaskan books include a history of Alaska’s bush pilot frontier, COWBOYS OF THE SKY, THE HUMAN FACE OF THE ALASKA GOLD RUSH and a forensic analysis of Alaska’s ghost ship, the Clara Nevada. The Clara Nevada sank in 1898 and came back up in 1908 — minus 100,000 ounces of gold.
In the field of creative thinking, he has developed a method of teaching people to be clever, to “think outside of the box.” His educational software won a $40,000 Creative Thinking in Motion prize from the University of Oklahoma in 2005. His approach is to stop “A or B Thinking” and find an alternative. As an example, developing a way for city to balance a budget without raising taxes or cutting services.
Find Steve’s books HERE>> Amazon Author Page HERE>>
[Follow the exploits of Detective Heinz Noonan at . See if you can solve the impossible crimes faster than the detective — matters such as a greyhound bus disappearing off the Golden Gate Bridge, how a plane can fly and land with no pilot, crew or passengers and why would anyone want to steal an empty armored car?]
The Matter of the Snitched Radials / Genre: Impossible Crime
Heinz Noonan, the “Bearded Holmes” of the Sandersonville Police Department, was making the sign of the cross with his two index fingers when Harriet came walking into this office.
“The Commissioner?” she said when she saw that Noonan was trying to hex the Wi-Fi fiend.
“It is evil which commeth,” Noonan said with a dramatic flair. “If I let it burble long enough, maybe it will die.”
Harriet was unimpressed. “Unlikely. More likely his holiness will come down to the office and none of us, not one of us, zip of us, want that to happen so you’d better answer the call of the urchin.” Read the full story HERE>>
The Matter of the Elusive Phantom-Four / Genre: Impossible Crime
Heinz Noonan, the “Bearded Holmes” of the Sandersonville Police Department, was in the last place on earth he ever thought he would be. But, in reality, he was not in the last place on earth he would ever have believed he would be, but, rather, over it. He was in the back seat of a Phantom-Four, a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, the workhorse of the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. Read the full story HERE>>
The Matter of the Poached Bananas / Genre: Impossible Crime
Heinz Noonan, the “Bearded Holmes” of the Sandersonville Police Department, was deep into the pile of files of Sandersonville evildoers when he received a call — on his office phone, not the tool of Satan which, at that moment, was (form one’s fingers in the form of a cross) slumbering en corde as far from his desk as he could get it and still be close to a wall socket — and as it was midday, he had to professional and cordial. Read the full story HERE>>
The Matter of the Massacre at the Sandersonville City Park / Genre: Impossible Crime
Captain Heinz Noonan, the “Bearded Holmes” of the Sandersonville Police Department, was deep in conversation with his alter ego when he was rudely interrupted by a saccharine chime coming from his coat pocket. He immediately ceased the animated discussion with himself and dug for his cell phone, the first of its kind to be funded by the City of Sandersonville. Read the full story HERE>>
The Matter of the Frivolous Heists / Genre: Impossible Crime
Captain Noonan, the “Bearded Holmes” of the Sandersonville Police Department, was up to ears in make-up. Commissioner of Homeland Security for Sandersville, Commissioner Lizzard — a double “z” though he looked more like his namesake than did Lt. George Weasel who, anatomically speaking, appeared more hippopotami than vector — demanded all of his staff participate in community activities and it fell to Noonan to be the clown for the charity fund drive. Noonan was unhappy to have been chosen to play a clown, but pleased to be out of the office on what had turned out to be a very slow day for crime but a phenomenally good day for being at the beach where, as a matter of fact, the charity event was being held. Read the full story HERE>>
More Stories by Steve Levi
by: Title / Genre
The Matter of the Obnoxious Corpse / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Corpse in the Taxi / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Chinese Coffins / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Nags Head Taxidermist / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Bandersnatch Burglar/ Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Bilateral Kidnapping / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Defluxing Insectarium / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Drained Lorry / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Evanescing Elixir / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Missing Pterippus / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of the Splintering Grams / Genre: Impossible Crime
The Matter of What the Cat Dragged In / Genre: Impossible Crime
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