Remembering the Future
My favorite quote from ALICE IN WONDERLAND has become my motto as an historian and writer: “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.” Contrary to popular belief, we do not ‘move into the future.’ Rather, we are standing in a pathway while opportunities and problems come down the trail toward us. AND, those problems have been created in the past. Every problem we will have in the future is gaining strength now. That’s why we study history. There are no “new” problems, just “old” problems coming back again and again. Water shortages, garbage pollution, racism, subjugation of women, going to war so a few people can make money by overspending the empire’s money are nothing new. They are old — and coming back. Again and again. To be successful, we have to train ourselves to be ‘forward thinkers,’ and take to heart the quote from the Red Queen: ‘It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.”